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Puzzles are a great way to improve. They can help you develop your tactical vision, pattern recognition, and calculation skills.
The website is free to use and doesn't run ads. It's developed and financed by hobbyists and is updated on a regular basis (mostly on weekends).
If you like our project, please consider supporting us by donating on Ko-fi or on PayPal. You can also check out our store for a cute t-shirt or a cool mug.
Every donation will help build and maintain a better platform!
🙏 Thanks to MichaelM for his recent donation!
Don't hesitate to reach out on GitHub to report issues and ask questions or to look up what are the current developments being worked on.
You can also join our Discord for more general free form discussion or use the contact form.
We're always eager to hear your ideas on how to improve the platform.
We're planning to create some nice help pages about the rules (in some distant future). In the meantime, you can learn by following this YouTube tutorial or check the Wikipedia page.
If you're still struggling to play with the chinese characters, you can switch to the romanized (i.e. westernized) piece style with the second button on the settings widget.
The settings widget is always accessible on the right side of the screen.
We noticed some users seem to be playing against themselves with 2 accounts.
If you want to play with a friend who is sitting next to you or if you just want to test positions, you can use our Simple Board tool.
And if you think some features are missing, don't hesitate to reach out on Discord.